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Video Library

We have ambitious plans to develop a comprehensive library of training and demonstration videos for each of the the core functional aspects of the AvidEngineSC platform. As you can imagine, this is a time-consuming and costly process and we still have a long way to go, so please bear with us.

As we continue to build out our video lbrary, we’ll post links to each one here.

1.0 – Getting Setup

VIDEO | 2m:08s


Adjust the Default Login User Name

In this video we demonstrate how to make a one-time adjustment so that users don’t need to type in their user name each time the user logs in to AvidEngineSC.

2.0 – The Basics

VIDEO | 4m:01s


Introduction to Databases

This video gives a very high level overview of databases and introduces tables, records, fields and logic.

VIDEO | 2m:02s


Where is the “Save” Command?

This video discusses how AvidEngineSC saves changes.

3.0 – Admin Module

VIDEO | 1m:43s


Terms of Service and Support Access

Learn about the AvidEngineSC Terms of Service and how to access the Customer Support Portal.

VIDEO | 2m:04s


Editing Basic Account Information

In this video we learn how to edit basic account information such as name, address, display URL and phone number.

VIDEO | 1m:46s


Adding or Changing Your Logo

We review how to upload your Activity Centre’s logo which is displayed throughout the platform and on numerous reports.

15.0 – Product Tours

VIDEO | 12m:28s


Tour – People & Activity Modules

A demonstration/tour of the functionality in the People and Activity modules.

We're Here to Help

Drop us a line anytime, and let us show you what we can do to streamline and modernize your Centre!

AvidForm Solutions Inc.
Built in Alberta, Canada